Don’t Let Termites Ruin Your Home
Even as high north as Coeur d’Alene, termites can cause devastation on your home. Large, fat carpenter ants are very common as well, and speaking from personal experience, can also eat a lot of your house. They will attack your home without mercy if you don’t take preventative steps to keep them away. Termites’ damage is a big problem in most US cities.
It is estimated that termites damage about 600,000 homes in the United States every year. (The number is likely much higher but often the damage goes undetected for quite some time.) U.S residents spend an estimated $5 billion annually to control termites and repair damages done by these creatures. According to a report, a homeowner who discovers termite damage will spend an average of $3,000 to repair these damages. Of course, this amount can be higher depending on when you discover the damage and also on the extent of the damage done to your property.
Termites feed on dead plants and woods. If you make use of woods in your home construction (like most homes do), you are a potential termite-target. Fortunately, some homebuilding technologies such as PermaPanel are now available. These new building materials are resistant to termite damage and can save your home against any form of termite damage.
You will also be able to save your home from termite damage by taking some steps. Below, you will learn of some steps you can take to keep your home safe from termite damage.
5 Best Ways to Save Your Home from Termite Damage
1 Establish a Perimeter
In most cases, your home will get infected by termites through a proxy. You will need to eliminate termite’s typical jumping-off points. You can do this by keeping away firewood pile from your walls and foundation.
If you have mulch, ensure you check it regularly and keep it at least 2-feet away from the walls of your basement. You also need to do the same for any bushes that might attract termites and other wood-eating creatures.
Get Rid of Their Food Sources
Termites are usually attracted to wood siding. They can even attack wood siding that has been treated. You can significantly reduce the chances of termites damaging your home by replacing that siding with PermaPanel or a similar material. If you made use of woods in your home construction, make sure you keep an eye out for water damage spots. Water damages on woods are perfect targets for termites.
Eliminate Wood to Ground Contact In Your Home
It becomes extremely easy for termites to enter your home when the wood used in the construction of your home is making contact with the ground. Wood siding, wood lattice, and door frames that make contact with the ground provides access to termites. You should make sure that anything made of wood in your home construction should be at least 6 inches above the ground level.
Cut off the base of wood siding or wood lattice that touches the ground. You can also put a concrete base on some wooded items to ensure you don’t invite termites into your home.
Limit Exposure to Moisture
Termites need moisture to thrive. You can significantly reduce the chances of your home being damaged by termites when you reduce moisture. You can do this by diverting way away from the foundation of your home. Make sure your vents are clear and remove any standing water on roofs. Take care of all leaking faucets and water pipes inside the house. Finally, get all entry points around water and utility lines sealed.
Replace Woods in Your Home with PermaPanel
Termites are attracted to the woods you use in your home construction. When this happens, they can cause damage that runs into the thousands in repairs.
You can save yourself a headache and money by replacing woods used in your home construction with the PermaPanel. This is a specialized lightweight cement panel that provides zero food source for termites or carpenter ants. PermaPanel is not attractive to termites. In fact, they protect your home from termites. Moreover, they are more energy-efficient and affordable than stick built. Using PermaPanel will help you save your home from termite damages and save you money in the construction of your new home.
Can I Completely Save My Home from Termites?
Yes, if you make use of PermaPanel instead of woods in the construction of your new home, you can totally eliminate termites and carpenter ants from your home. Termites look for food sources, with the absence of woods to feed on; they will have no reason to come into your home.
You can completely eliminate termites by using PermaPanel in your new home constructions. PermaPanel is produced by Benson Bondstone Construction. This new construction technology will be available to Coeur d’Alene homebuilders later this year.
About Benson Bondstone 
Hayden, ID 83835